About Me

picture of Elizabeth Lands

A little background

Originally from London, I have now made Bristol my home alongside my partner and son. I have an MA in Fine Art and I enjoy working on projects that look great but even more important to me is that they provide an exceptional user experience.

I believe good web design and development means considering all users and, having spent many years previously as an NHS Occupational Therapist, I am passionate about working towards a truly inclusive and accessible web. I am keen to use my skills and interest in web development to contribute to a digital world that is fully accessible and useful for all.

My free time is spent exploring Bristol and its green surrounds, getting to art exhibitions when I can, running and reading.

The stack I currently like to work with

  • React
  • Javascript
  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • Styled Components, CSS Modules
  • Contentful CMS
  • Jest and Cypress Testing

You can contact me here: